Level 6 Certificate in Therapeutic Counselling Supervision (TCSU-L6)
Integrative Route
Information about course:
This 12 session (spread over 1 year) course is designed for experienced counsellors who want to become clinical supervisors of counsellors working at CPCAB service user levels A to B.
The Certificate in Therapeutic Counselling Supervision will equip you to manage the fundamental aspects of the clinical supervisor's role.
You are undertaking a course that leads to a nationally regulated qualification awarded by the Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (CPCAB) – the only Ofqual-approved awarding body to specialise in the field of counselling and supervision.
This qualification is intended for candidates who want to learn the skills to provide clinical supervision for counselling practitioners[1].
It is aimed at counsellors who have acquired sufficient client work (450 hours) experience to contemplate the move into a supervision role.
You will need to:
have both supervisees and supervisory supervision
be working as a counsellor under supervision
The supervisory skills learned will equip you to manage the fundamental aspects of the clinical supervisor’s role, including:
providing support and guidance to your supervisees
encouraging self review
monitoring supervisees' progress
managing legal and ethical boundaries
developing awareness of the supervision process
working with relationship issues which affect the counselling and supervision process
exploring research findings on effective supervision - See more at: http://www.cpcab.co.uk/qualifications/tcsu-l6
Entry requirements:
You must have completed either our Level 5 Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling, Level 5 Diploma in working with CYP or their equivalents plus have at least one year's post-qualifying experience of supervised client work.
Alternatively, you must have completed our Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling or its equivalent and have at least two years' post-qualifying experience of supervised client work.
You should have a minimum of 450 supervised practice hours in line with BACP/NCPS individual accreditation requirements.
This qualification is not suitable for those who are currently in a state of severe emotional difficulty and/or severe psychological confusion. Centres need to ensure that all potential trainees are made aware of the nature of the course, and in particular that the course involves experiential elements that will involve considerable personal disclosure and associated personal developmental activities.
Guided Learning Hours: 90 hours (minimum)
Total Qualification Time: 328 hours
Credit value: 33
Qualification Number: 500/8222/X
Criteria for selecting candidates:
Provide references
Academically and emotionally able to cope with this level of training.
Ability to work with difference and diversity.
Possess personal qualities of imagination, intuition, openness and ability to benefit from self-development.
Possess the qualities appropriate for a supervision relationship.
Have self-awareness, insight, honesty and the ability to make links.
Emotional stability and the absence of personality disturbance.
Ability to challenge and be challenged.
Ability to respond sensitively and empathically to others.
Ability to model professional attitudes and behaviour.
Submission of an entrance essay, details to follow once initial application has been submitted.
Our approach:
The course is based on a Humanistic and Integrative approach.
The emphasis is on working with a humanistic as a core model and exploring the integration of theory, research, practice, and self-awareness.
The integrative counselling aspect explores, challenges and compares contemporary theories to life. It also addresses the thinking, feeling, and behavioural aspects of human functioning.
The integrative perspective draws from a range of theoretical orientations.
Units of Study (L6):
This qualification is made up of a mandatory unit which has seven learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria. This structure is based on the seven processes of the CPCAB model.
To achieve the qualification you must be (a) assessed by your tutor as Proficient in all seven learning outcomes of the mandatory unit; and (b) pass your Internal Student Progress Assessment: During the course, regular tutorials and progress meetings will be undertaken, with prep required from both the student and the tutor. This will form the basis of your personal plan to competency.
The 7 unit titles are as follows:
Model and supervise the professional framework
Model and supervise the skilled use of the relationship
Model and supervise the use of theory and research on diversity
Model and supervise a user-centred approach to the work
Model and supervise the skilled use of the self
Model and supervise the coherent use of theory, research and skills
Model and supervise the self-reflective practitioner
[1] Please note the qualification is intended for supervisors working with counsellors (as distinct from mentors, befrienders)
Professional discussion and workshops
Seminars, personal development workshops and group work
Projects and presentations
Review of skills and supervisory work
Review of learning
Assessed skills practice
Assessed case presentations
Workplace simulations
Workplace experience (15 hours)
Skills practice
Group work
Case presentations
Training group supervision (approx 10 hours)
Seminars and workshops
Possible Additional Costs met by students (L6)
Own Supervision costs (1 ½ hrs per month or in line with BACP guidelines).
Supervision of Supervision costs (5 hours required during course)
Membership of the National Counselling Society (NCS) or British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) or a similar recognised association.
Professional indemnity insurance if applicable.
Additional info required for application: Learning Statement
This is an opportunity for you to share your reasons you are applying for this course and how you will use the qualification in the future. You can use it to demonstrate how your skills, experience and current knowledge of Counselling and Supervision will support your engagement with the course.
Please write a short statement answering the questions above and take the opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the course.
Please upload with your name in the file title at the same time as sending in your application. Maximum 500 words
Course Fees March 2025
(All fees are payable in full and non-refundable)
Registration fee: £395 per year – This will be required as a deposit upon acceptance of your place.
Course fee: £2100 per year – This can be paid in 10 instalments of £210.
All course fees must be paid before certification and results are released.
Course Fees March 2026
​​(All fees are payable in full and non-refundable)
​Registration fee: £395 per year – This will be required as a deposit upon acceptance of your place.
(this is subject to change as the awarding body have not yet confirmed next years fees)
Course fee: £2200 per year – This can be paid in 10 instalments of £220.